Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh shut the hell up would you please?!

Ok so there isn't any shortage of stupid ass blogs out there, but you see why, don't you? 2 reasons really. Blogging or journaling or whatever the living hell you want to call it is a release. It's just as relieving as a physical release (that's coy for ORGASM). It's a release of all the millions of the stupid ass, mundane little thoughts scrolling through our brain that cause us stress, happiness, anger, sadness; whatever the hell we are feeling. It is easier to get them out in the written word sometimes and to be frankly not a lot of people want to hear exactly what you and I are thinking. That brings us to the other reason for a blog. We're all incredibly narcissistic in nature. I am. You are. We all want our voices heard. We want to share our opinion because of course who is smarter than you (besides me, of course.)? We know it all, we've seen it all, we've been through it or at the very least our cousin's boyfriend once lived across the street from a lady who had, right? And who doesn't want to hear about that? Well I need a release just like anyone else. My special little pink teddy bear journal that I've kept since I was 15 just isn't going to cut it anymore. Besides if you've ever read that (and I'm sure you haven't, cause I hide it GOOD) you'd know that some shit just should be lying around the house for some nosey kids to find someday. If they're anything like I was, they'll find it. I have too many thoughts that may or may not be appropriate, but I figure maybe if they are a little more public and maybe someone happens to share the same thoughts or feelings on something I might not feel so bad for thinking them in the first place. And hell if someone cares enough to disagree I love a good argument.

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