Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Parenting. Do it.

I'm so far from perfect parenting it's not even funny. I do like to think though that I know the areas where I am lacking and I know the effects it is and will have on my kids. I think in general parenting is a very cause and effect role. My problem is with others who don't see that. I'm in a grocery store and I can see the lady asking her child (about 2 years old) to stop pulling things off shelves. Most 2 year olds I know are going to keep on going about their business. They aren't listening to reason, they are just having a blast and all they can hear is some Charlie Brown adult in the background going, "wahnt wahnt wahnt wahtn wahnt waa". The frustration in the parent is obvious. They ask again. And again. And again. Sometimes you hear a "please". I get so damn irritated with these people. Not the poor crazy toddler yanking shit off shelves. That kid is doing what comes natural for them. The parent is being a lazy ass bastard. PICK THE KID UP AND PUT IT IN THE CART. It will cry and throw a fit. That's ok. YES parenting is hard. I know this. It is a constant battle from the second they open their little eyes to the second they shut them at night, but hell what were people thinking? That's damn near the reason I nearly didn't have any children. I take issue with people who take the easy way out when it comes to parenting. Not the things like setting your kid in front of a video for awhile or stopping to grab fast food cause you're gonna fall out from exhaustion, but the very basic living skills. Kids should be taught manners, respect and thoughtfulness. When did this stop? Why is is appropriate for me to say hello to a 10 year old child and her not reply back? Her mother chalks it up to "shyness". Are you fucking kidding me? I bet that nasty little snot would be happy to speak to me if I were dangling a Twix above her head. No I wasn't worth the time. Who can blame her? Her mother never ever once told her that she should look people in the eye when she is spoken to or that if she is addressed the VERY LEAST she can do is smile and acknowledge the person. Little fricken twerp. Now I'm gonna dislike her the rest of my life because I guarantee her that she is not going to be signing up for social graces courses as she enters adulthood. Instead she'll have some crazy sense of entitlement because her mother let her "be her own person". Oh for shits sake. People can be their own person and not be a pile of crap at the same time. Kids these days are falling the hell apart. The basics of structure, love and discipline have gone out the window. Parents are trying to barter and rationalize with a two year olds. Ok so I'm sure there are plenty of examples of really really easy kids. I have one. However, I also have 3 others that are your more typical kid and one that is going to give me a run for my money. I have to remind myself every damn day that it is my job to have the stronger will. It's hard, I understand. However, you take on the job of being a damn parent regardless if you originally wanted it or not. You better damn well strive to teach your child the very basics of society because we're on a slippery slope already folks and I think if we don't start being accountable for our parenting we are only going to be able to blame ourselves.

1 comment:

Krista Smith said...

you know how much I love this post, right? right?