Thursday, July 02, 2009

Memory Lane

This new fandangled technology has thrown some serious blasts from the past right into our faces. Some pleasant surprises, some not so much. If nothing, it is great if you're a voyeur like myself. Man, I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you by how some people have turned out. Ok so there are some non surprises out there. Cute girl becomes beautiful woman. Decent guy, becomes handsome man. Yeah big whoop. The ones that have taught me something that I will remember and pass on to my own kids (like they'll listen) are the ones in school that we never thought much about. They were the quiet ones, the girls didn't wear much makeup, if any. The guys looked like little boys, cute enough, but when you're in school you're not looking for cute enough. Those are the ones who have surprised me. Ever since I've run across some of these people I tell my kids to look for the people with potential. You don't want the girls who are crazy dolled up, because man when that makes up comes off, so does the face. Blech. You don't want the guys who think they're so cute and proud of themselves because they wear some sort of athletic jersey. Eww. You want the ones whose best years are yet to come, not who are living them now. Remember that. Tell your kids.
So anyway back to this memory crap. The networking sites have made what was once "the slow drive by" a lot more convenient. In the last week I've spoken to no less than three people who have come across exes. Of course curiosity gets the best of anyone and you have to check this person out!! (If you don't, you're not normal and get your ass off my blog. No need for any more weirdos around here.) So I had a discussion with a person, who shall remain nameless, who wanted to check on her ex bf. She was very appalled with her curiosity and it was apparent she felt weird about wanting to see how this ex turned out, but still apparent she had zero interest in this guy. I realized something. It's all about competition. We need to know if that person is doing better or worse than us. Why? Because we all secretly hope that we are doing better, look better, have more money, are happier than our ex. It may not be tasteful to discuss that, but it's true. We all want our exes to rue the day they broke up with us. We most certainly do not want them back (because they obviously lack good judgment) but we want them to want us. Nobody said it better than Cheap Trick. It's ok people.Peer on into their lives and judge as much as you want. Everyone does it and someone is judging you right this second. Just no more slow drive bys, especially if they live on a cul-de-sac. That shit right there, will get your ass caught.


MikeSam said...

you get bonus points for using the phrase "dolled up!"

Emily said...

I don't know, if these people have to check on their old boyfriends to make them feel better about themselves I'm thinken they might have some issues!

Marie said...

Could be, Emily, but the ones I've come in contact with all seem fairly comfortable and content. I think it falls along the same lines as looking back to old childhood friends and wondering how they turned out, but if it's a former bf or gf, it probably adds another dimension.