Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Yeah I'm a damn hypocrite, but so are you. (Part 1)

I avoid certain things in life. Lets start with food. I try to avoid fake food. Why? Because it's bad. Yes, that's true. Do I eat it sometimes anyway? Sure, nobody is perfect, right? I don't buy the stuff, but sometimes I have to have a bite of something or I'll die. What's life worth living if you can never have another Raspberry Zinger? Why does this make me a hypocrite? I cringe when I see people eating this shit. Especially obese people and people with health problems, even more so when those health problems could be resolved by changing their diets. So here is what makes me that giant ass hypocrite; The reason I don't believe in many fake food type products is because of the health problems it causes. The list is endless. However, when it comes to vanity I lose my mind. Color my grays? Abso-fucking-lutely! Do I use henna or anything else from the health store to do that. Hell no. I buy what is easy and cheap or I go to the salon and bask in the fumes and have it done. Make up on my face? SUUUUUUUUURE! Why not? Everyone knows I look better with the stuff, gotta have a little bit right? (Or a lot depending how bad a day it may be.) Is the make up organic? Hell no. I want the "good" stuff. The stuff that is going to allow me to shellac the putty to my face so I can lead people to believe I'm not nearly as hideous as I am. Silicone in my chest. OH YOU BET! Sure I could do a more natural saline solution, but come on. If I'm getting fake breasts I want the most fake I could possibly have! I want great results, not mediocre and dammit I don't care if it isn't natural. We're all gonna die of something right? Oh back that truck up, Marie. Isn't that my whole food issue? Didn't I just say I cringe when I see people doing that to their body and I'm doing the same damn thing? Consider this an apology in advance when I cringe while you drink your diet soda or eat your Weight Watchers meal and know that yes I know I'm a hypocrite. I know, I'm horrible. To make up for this shortcoming I will walk around today cringing at myself all day.


MikeSam said...

lmao, this is classic stuff!

Emily said...

So I guess this means you probably don't agree with my breakfast choice of a Mt. Dew and Rice Krispie treat? All part of my loose wieght and get fit plan you know!

Marie said...

Emily you're free and clear because as far as I know you've never ever claimed to live free of those things and condemn someone else for doing it.