Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I really, truly dislike a lot of people. I dislike a lot of them for very good reasons and I dislike a lot of them just because. Here's the problem. A lot of the people I "dislike" I actually have a good time with. I don't like them on principal. Most often because of the way they live their life or things they've done to me or a loved on in the past. However, once in a blue moon where something comes along that forces me to interact with them I have a grand ole time. I don't like this one bit! It makes me all crazy wormy and completely goes against everything I believe in. I don't want to enjoy these people's company!! I want to hate them! I want to ignore! I don't want to give them the satisfaction of thinking it's ok to be the kind of person that they are. They shoudl be treated like a leper! I feel like such a hypocrite (again with this, I know), but I've found that I need to put an end to this. I need to either learn to LET IT GO and just love people at face value or stop being such a damn hypocrite. Where is the line? Can you have great friends that you really disrespect? Can you spend time with family members that have caused you great pain, but still really enjoy their company? I suppose in a lot of cases I'm not always hating the person, but hating what they represent. That still makes me wormy though. It doesn't seem right. Does everyone go through this? Is this why we gossip? Do we vent about friends and family to other friends and family so we can go on enjoying what pleasure they do bring into our lives? Is that fair? Is it just human nature? I know I do plenty of my share of this and I know I give just about everyone I know plenty of things to vent about as well. And really if it's true I suppose I don't have anything to bitch about, right?

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